Obstetrics deals with issues that arise in maternity care, treating any complications of pregnancy and childbirth and any that arise after the birth. Waikato Hospital provides maternity and obstetric facilities and specialist care for local and regional patients requiring elective (planned) or emergency treatments.
Outpatient Antenatal Clinic
Provides outpatient care for women to have planned appointments with the medical team to assess and monitor their pregnancy. The clinic comprises of 6 assessment rooms and 2 obstetric ultrasound rooms.
Day Assessment Unit
Caters for high risk women who are not acutely unwell but require increased surveillance during their pregnancy or postnatally. The clinic is led by senior midwives and is designed for women who are not requiring admission, or medical team assessment, but require more care and monitoring than a lead maternity carer or GP can provide in the primary setting.
Women’s Assessment Unit (WAU)
Women ‘s Assessment Unit is like an ED (Emergency Department) for pregnancy, providing services for women over 20 weeks gestation. WAU is located next to delivery suite and is equipped with 8 rooms for assessment and procedures.
Bereavement Care
The Manaia Room is located within the Women’s Assessment Unit near Delivery Suite. It is a space to care for the needs of women and her family/whānau whose baby has passed away before, during or just following birth. It is a large en-suite room for birth and converts to a postnatal stay room with a double bed for parents to stay and spend time with their baby.
Antenatal ward
Provides inpatient care for women with complications during pregnancy requiring hospital admission.
Delivery Suite
In addition to 7 birthing rooms, delivery suite is equipped with one emergency obstetric theatre available 24/7 with a 2 bedded high dependency unit and a 3 bedded post anaesthetic care unit. Planned (elective) caesarean sections take place in the hospital’s main theatre.
Postnatal ward
Waikato has 20 postnatal beds and provides postnatal care for women who have complications during birth or following birth and require hospital care from the obstetric team.
Key personnel
Dr Isabel Camano
Head of Department Obstetrics
- Women’s Health Clinics, Level B3, Elizabeth Rothwell Building (includes Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic and Day Assessment Unit)
- Women’s Assessment Unit and Delivery Suite, Level B2, Elizabeth Rothwell Building
- Ward E1 Women’s Health (Gynaecology and Obstetrics), Level 1, Elizabeth Rothwell Building
- Ward E2 Women’s Health (Postnatal Ward) Level 2, Elizabeth Rothwell Building