Cardiology, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CCTVS)
Cardiology, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CCTVS)
Cardiology, cardiothoracic and vascular surgery concerns all conditions related to heart, lung and blood vessels.
Waikato Hospital’s Cardiology, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CCTVS) team provides a combination of cardiac, thoracic and vascular procedures in the one speciality area. The team includes cardiologists, cardiothoracic consultants, vascular consultants, registrars and house officers, interns, and ward staff includes a clinical nurse manager, associate clinical nurse manager, nurse educator, nurses, health care assistants and reception staff.
Most major cases spend the first 24 hours in the High Dependency Unit or Intensive Care Unit following surgery.
Provides secondary/tertiary inpatient and outpatient services for disorders and diseases of the heart including congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart valve problems and heart failure, with the exception of paediatric cardiac surgery, transplantation, ventricular assist and ECMO*. There are approximately 650 cases per year, including coronary artery bypass, valve repair and replacement (including TAVI*) and aortic surgery.
*ECMO: extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation
*TAVI: trans-arterial valve implantation
Read more about Cardiology department
Cardiothoracic surgery
Provides elective (planned surgery) for treating conditions of the lungs, mediastinum and chest wall; also treats acute (urgent) cases such as empyaema and chest trauma.
The team uses videoscopic lobectomy for treating lung cancer and endobronchial lasering.
Vascular surgery
Provides secondary and tertiary services to the Midland health region. An excellent relationship between the department and radiological teams has led to the successful provision of endoluminal procedures for abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysm repairs.
The department’s duplex ultrasound laboratory provides a scanning service. Ultrasonographer sessions are also available.
Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus
- Ward M14 Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Level 4 Menzies Building - a pre and post cardiothoracic and vascular surgery ward. It has 32 beds including a five-bedded enhanced recovery unit.
- Cardiac Care ward areas (1,2 and 3), Level 1 Menzies Building
- Cardiology Clinic, Reception F, Level 2 Meade Clinical Centre
- Cardiothoracic Clinic, Reception F, Level 2 Meade Clinical Centre
- Vascular Clinic, Reception F, Level 2 Meade Clinical Centre
- Cardiac & Respiratory Procedures including ECGs, Exercise test, Pacemaker monitoring, Body Box, Reception F, Level 2 Meade Clinical Centre
- Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory, Reception G, Access from Level 2 Menzies Building
- Vascular Procedures including vascular ultrasounds, Reception F, Level 2 Meade Clinical Centre
- Waikato Integrated Heart Failure service - based at Waikato Hospital but serving clients in the community.
- Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention - based at Waikato Hospital but serving clients in the community.
Phone 07 839 8899 for all hospital departments and services
Referrals are by general practitioners (GPs) or other health specialists.
Non-acute (non-urgent) referrals will initially be seen at a Cardiology Clinic, Cardiothoracic Clinic or Vascular Clinic.