Supporting recovery through meaningful opportunities. iRS supports individuals to live well in their community, in the presence or absence of mental illness, by enabling personal growth and developing skills in partnership with whanau and wider community.

Manaaki Raatonga aa Iwi (formerly iRS)
Manaaki Raatonga aa Iwi (formerly iRS)
Manaaki Raatonga aa Iwi supports Tangata whaiora to live well in their community by encouraging personal growth and developing skills in partnership with whaanau and the wider community. Our service has two sites, which are 107 Ohaupo Road, Melville and 232 River Road, Claudelands. Our staff include a mix of Occupational Therapy and Support Workers. We focus on individual re-covery goals which are supported by assessment. We also utilise community organisations such as the University Rec Centre Arts for Health and Agora Café event space.
In 2018 a service review identified the need for development of Social Inclusion, living Well and Vocational opportunities. We provide 1:1 sessions and opportunities based around the school term time table, which enables us to regularly change what we offer. Wha have alos provided a description of what we offer both onsite and in the community opportunities who access our service.
A recovery focused rehabilitation service for tangata whaiora with high and complex mental health needs which:
- believes in your right to self determination
- supports you to achieve your dreams and aspirations
- works in partnership with you, and your whānau to use your strengths
- helps you to build a bridge to a life worth living.
The Integrated recovery service (iRS) works with people who have high and complex needs and are currently utilising the Mental Health and Addictions service or Hauora Waikato. The service is based over 2 sites on Ohaupo Road and River Road. Assessment with the Canadian Occupational Performance measure (COPM) identifies areas for developing recovery pathways.
- iRs focuses on RECOVERY
- iRs focuses on YOU
To empower individuals to realise their potential, and grow beyond iRS.
We work to provide these opportunities via employment contracts in;
Just Work Car Valeting; Just Work Lawn Care; Just Work Cleaning Services.
Commercial/Residential cleaning services are provided in Ngaruawahia, Cambridge and Hamilton. These can be offered via Residential Care Services individual packages of care. In addition we provide cleaning contracts to community organisations such as community halls etc.
Individuals with high and complex needs continue to experience low employment rates. Occupational therapists play an important role in helping individuals develop the skills and obtain the supports necessary for productive living
Additionally we offer opportunities to develop and enhance skills, in the music studio, PC access use, CV generation and budgeting assistance, RE-CYCLE bike building maintenance, individualised wood working skills – including health and safety, power tools usage and assessments, 12 week Cooking programme in-house (iRS) and residential locations, leisure and socially inclusive activities.
107 Ohaupo Road or 232 River Road, Hamilton
Sarah Keelty
Team lead
Phone: 07 843 0456