Specialist Eating Disorders (SEDS)
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Specialist Eating Disorders (SEDS)
Specialist Eating Disorders (SEDS)
This service is for tangata whaiora with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and eating disorders – Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa sub-types).
Our team of specialist clinicians includes psychologists, a psychiatrist, mental health nurses and a dietitian.
We offer a range of services including
- assessment,
- treatment (individual, group and whaanau),
- consultation / shared care with community and inpatient teams (medical and psychiatric)
for tangata whaiora of all ages and throughout the Waikato DHB health district.
We also offer consultation, training and supervision for Waikato DHB staff and community services working with clients with eating disorders.
Key personnel
Kelly Pacheco
Team leader
Adult Mental Health & Addictions Services
193 London St, Hamilton
Phone: 07 834 6902
Fax: 07 834 6900