Allied Health
Allied Health
Allied Health refers to a group of qualified health professionals other than doctors and nurses who work directly with clients and closely with other health specialists.
The Waikato DHB employs a large number of dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers and therapy assistants located throughout the Waikato DHB region.
Although they work within a range of health service teams in hospital and community settings, they report professionally to a manager and professional leader within the Older Persons, Rehabilitation and Allied Health directorate of Waikato District Health Board.
Read about Allied Health research, education and professional development opportunities, and RARE (Rehabilitation and Allied Health Research and Education Centre) at Waikato DHB.
Professional groups
Also the following services
Key personnel
Lindsay Pooley
Manager Allied Health
Allied health staff are located in hospital settings and in community-based services throughout the Waikato DHB district.
Please refer to your appointment letter or to the specific service for location and contact information.
Professional management and leadership is based at Waikato Hospital.